Critical Life Skills
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Life skills are essential for everyone
Our Critical Life skills provide the foundation for a lifetime of success. We teach how to apply the best Time/Life Management practices for today’s world to increase your productivity while freeing up more time for what matters most to you. We focus on understanding key aspects of Money and Financial Management and utilizing those to manage your finances and build wealth. We teach how to utilize best practices in Goal Setting, The Compound Effect, and Keystone Habits to achieve exponential results.
Money Mindset
- Your Mindset about Money Matters!
- Common Money Limiting Beliefs / Myths
- Basics of Budgeting
- Cost of Living Budgeting game / Choices
- Magic of Compound Interest
- Money Activity with realistic “fake money”
- Burn Less than you Earn / little things add up
- Basics of Saving vs. Investing and starting early
- Debt of Minimum Payments
Time Management & Focus
- Planning / Prioritization
- Time Quadrants (Stephen Covey)
- Big Rocks Interactive Student Demo
- Conquering Procrastination
- Just get started, Make it a Game
- 5 second rule / Do something for 5 mins
- Making Technology Work FOR You
- Technology and Sleep
- Setting reminders and appointments
- Power of Focus: Myth of Multi-tasking activity
- Timing and Energy / Peak Productivity
- Scheduling activities at the right time
- Energy Management: breaks and sleep
Lifelong Learning
- Benefits of Effective Learning
- It's about how smart you STUDY
- Lose the Distractions (do “deep work”)
- Energize / Take Breaks (every 45 mins)
- Act like a teacher – (Learning Pyramid)
- Revisit / Review different ways / times
- Note-taking
Goal Setting /
Intentional Life Plan
- Review of topics
- Goal Setting / Taking Actions
- Being Intentional
- Importance of building habits and the process for creating new habits
- Creating a Life Plan / Final Quest